Welcome to our launch!

Welcome to our shiny website! A Fair Deal for Women is the result of many months of hard work by 11 women’s organisations, along with crucial funding from the Barrow Cadbury Trust. For the first time, women’s organisations have come together in partnership to create a campaign ahead of a general election. Led by the … Read more

The Guardian Women in Leadership Blog

“For the millions of women living close to the poverty line, this election could represent a turning point in British politics” Women’s lives are getting progressively worse. One in four women are in low paid and insecure work, while one in 12 of those are forced to access food banks to feed their children. Child … Read more

We spoke to the Guardian about women and austerity

We told the Guardian that austerity policies disproportionately impact upon women, and could risk the UK slipping even further down the World Economic Forum Gender Gap Index: “Without swift action to address women’s inequality in all areas, we could see the UK falling even lower, said Florence Burton, a spokeswoman for the group”. “…Burton said the government … Read more

Economic Systems

By Vivienne Hayes MBE, CEO of the Women’s Recourse Centre. There are many commentators extolling the virtues of revised economic models ranging from the highly successful capitalist Nick Hanauer, the Women’s Budget Group ( plan F),  Jeremy Corbyn, to Yvette Cooper who has talked about national infrastructure projects- including child care- not just roads and … Read more

We commented on the Scottish Welfare Reform Committee Report

The Governments welfare reform policies are having a disproportionate impact on women. The Scottish Parliament Welfare Reform Committee released a report which found that those who had suffered domestic abuse were particularly at risk, as well as disabled women, refugees, carers, and lone parents. Read the MSP Committee report here. Vivienne Hayes MBE, CEO of … Read more

We’re mentioned in the International Business Times

“Summer budget 2015: Conservative welfare cuts will hit women the hardest” The Chancellors July Budget will see women suffer disproportionately, wrote Lydia Smith of the International Business Times. £12bn worth of cuts will fall on social security, and aggravate existing inequality she writes. Our partner Fawcett Society’s research shows since the start of the crash in 2008, … Read more

Tips on influencing local strategies for women’s organisations

“Women’s voices and experiences must be heard to ensure the needs of service users are met”. Women’s organisations should feed into policy consultations around equality objectives,  contribute to local Joint Strategic Needs Assessment’s (JSNA), and contribute to specific strategies to benefit women in order to influence provision and policy. How to respond to consultations Ensure you fully … Read more

Building a campaign

7 Steps to Planning an Effective Campaign What does it mean: First define your core aim and purpose. This is the outcome that the campaign hopes to achieve Breaking down the Aim to Objectives: These are smaller more achievable goals that build towards fulfilling your aim. E.g. attracting media attention or raising awareness Tactics and … Read more

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